Ginger lemon honey immune booster syrup works for boosting your immune system when your body needs extra help.
Honey has been a staple ingredient in my medicinal war chest for years. Not only does it tastes wonderful in my Ear Grey tea, it is very effective for all kinds of "icky-not-feel-so-good" conditions. My Asian Pear Honey Cough Remedy is a "go-to" homemade cure for a cold-induced cough in my household. According to the Official Journal of Academy of Pediatrics, honey showed a significant improvement for cough in children. And which kid wouldn't want these yummy Honey Ginger Cough Drops to help with his/her cough. Just don't give them to children less than one year old. Also, honey's antibacterial properties have been shown to treat many types of infections, including burns, dermatitis, allergies, and even MRSA.
The second most common home cure for colds or cough in my house is Ginger. I use ginger in many dishes but it is great for home remedies like nausea and stomach related problems. It is also used for treating "loss of appetite". My mom would chew on ginger slices if she has no appetite or when she goes on a road trip because she gets severe motion sickness. Ginger is "good for vomiting after surgery, nausea resulting from cancer treatment, flatulence, stomach upset, colic, morning sickness and motion sickness. It's also great for "upper respiratory tract infection, bronchitis, cough, menstrual cramps, arthritis and muscle pain." according to Medical News Today.
And add lemon to the party, you got your winter covered! Lemon is antibacterial, alkalizes your body and full of Vitamin C....all the things you need to boost your immune system in the winter.
honey + ginger + lemon = your winter's best friend
So when my daughter went back to college in January, I made a jar of this yummy preventive immune boosting syrup for her to keep in her fridge, just in case. And wouldn't you know it, her school issued a "Flu Alert" since there were 29 known cases of flu on campus. We don't get the Flu Shots because they are really not that effective but, I'm pretty sure she won't get the flu because she's generally healthy, eats right, sleeps well, and takes this immune booster!
Ginger Lemon Honey Immune Booster Syrup
Fill the jar all the way up, layering the pieces. Add the grated ginger and cinnamon.
Mix 'em all up!
It is done! Yummmmm!
I love this phrase on the jar. Do you know your beekeeper?
In order to PREVENT from colds and the flu, take a teaspoon of this super immune booster every day, especially, when you see other people getting sick. You can add it to your tea or just swallow a spoonful. This can last through the winter season in the fridge.
Now, stay away from those germy friends!
Here is the recipe so you can print it out.
Ginger Lemon Honey Immune Booster Syrup
- 12-16 oz of raw local pure honey
- 2 - 3 large thumb sized ginger or more if you want extra spicy.
- 1 organic lemon
- 2 sticks organic cinnamon
- 1 teaspoon Cayenne pepper optional
- Wash ginger and dry thoroughly. Using a side of a spoon, scrape the skin off. Grate one thumb sized piece of ginger and slice the rest. If you are using a jar that accommodate more ginger, you can use more.
- Wash lemon thoroughly with vinegar or a fruit wash and dry thoroughly. Cut the lemon in quarters with the skin intact. Remove seeds if there are any. Then, slice each quarter thinly.
- Cut the cinnamon sticks small enough to fit into the jar you will be storing the syrup in. Grate some of the cinnamon and set aside.
- In a jar filled with honey half way, place cinnamon sticks first.
- Add ginger and lemon slices in the jar alternating in layers.
- Fill the jar all the way up, layering the pieces.
- Add the grated ginger and cinnamon.
- Mix the lemon and ginger.
- Close the lid and refrigerate. It should last a few weeks to a month in the refrigerator.
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Mary says
This might be a dumb question, but does the ginger and the lemon break down? you talk about "drinking" it or adding it to tea, but it sounds like it would be very thick/chunky. Am I missing something?
sanielj says
I can give this to my son as we leave for school in the morning. He is more prone to catching a cold now that he's in pre K. I can also do it at night right before bed.
herbanlifestyle says
ecokaren Thank you, Karen. I'm feeling much better. But I'm still craving this yummy beverage, so I'm now drinking it just for fun 🙂
ecokaren says
@Mary K Oh sorry to hear about your voice. Leave this honey in your mouth and swish around for a few minutes. And take it throughout the day in your favorite tea. Feel better Mary!
Mary K says
This looks amazing! I started losing my voice tonight, and with the snow day tomorrow, I will have time to make and enjoy this yummy remedy. Thanks!
ecokaren says
kdfgreene adding ginger and cinnamon will kick it up a notch. I also add cayenne when things get really dicey. Hope we won't have to use that batch!
kdfgreene says
Yum! I keep honey with lemon in my fridge at all times in the winter. I add it to hot water and drink to warm myself up. This sounds great. Will have to try this in my next batch.