When the flu season hits, I take all the precautions I possibly can, in order NOT to get down from the flu or the cold. And this "ancient" Korean secret - Asian Pear & Honey Cough Remedy is one of my favorite cough remedies.
This remedy is the go-to remedy that my grandmother, aunts, and mother used - and still use - for a hacking cough. Hope you won't need this but if you do, make sure to finish it within a day. Freshness is the key.
Ingredients Notes:
- Asian Pear - what is so great about Asian Pears for a cough remedy? They are low in fat, cholesterol, and sodium - almost zero - but high in Vitamin C and K which are great for helping your immune system.

First Image: CC image of Asian Pears via Flickr
- Honey - honey is anti-viral and very effective against infections. In fact, it can be even more effective than antibiotics!
- Ginger - anti-inflammatory root used in many remedies for boosting the immune system.
Asian Pear and Honey Cough Remedy
- 1 Large Asian pear
- ¼ cup high quality pure organic honey
- 3-5 Pieces of Sliced Ginger
- 1 heat resistant bowl big enough to fit the pear
- Steamer
- Large pot big enough to fit the steamer
- 1 cup water
- Wash the pear well with fruit wash or white vinegar. Rinse thoroughly. Take the stem off if it's still intact.
- Slice the bottom of the pear and place it in the bowl.
- Core the pear and discard the seeds.
- Place the sliced ginger pieces and fill the core.
5. Pour the honey inside the core.
6. Close the lid.
7. Cover the hole where the stem used to be with a piece of ginger.
8. Place the bowl, on top of the steamer, and steam until pear is soft. If the fruit is large, it may take up to 20 minutes in high heat. Check periodically to make sure there is water in the pot.
9. When the pear is done, you'll see the skin crack, as shown. Gently peel the skin.
10. Now you are ready to eat the fruit and drink the pear juice with honey.
You can divide the pear into two servings and eat while it's warm. Save unused portion and steam it again before eating.
While this pear will soothe your throat and reduce your coughing, it will not cure your flu. If coughing persists, see a doctor. Ok?
def jetson says
my doctor says it's important to eat the skin and drink the steaming liquid as well. he says that most of the medicine is in the skin.
nancy says
my 5 year old has a bad cough.will ask hubbie to grab some asian pears in town tomorrow!
Kanelstrand says
We have a similar remedy in Europe though we use Garden radish instead! Have a great time in Detroit and don't let them fool you 🙂
ecokaren says
Steamed garden radish with honey? That sounds very interesting. Maybe I'll try that next time. 🙂
Ronnie says
Really need this, Karen. I'm also traveling this month and can use all the precautionary help I can get. Adding this to my arsenal of defense. Thanks and enjoy Detroit. Do you guys get cars as eco-swag?
ecokaren says
You just made me spit out my coffee. A car??? From an Auto Show? Now, THAT kind of swag bag I can live with. It would be nice to own one of Ford's nice EE cars though. Love their hybrid Fusion. I'd want one in red. Did you know that it parks itself? And the interior is made with.....oops. I can't give it away until my post. 😛
Did you read my preventive tips from yesterday's post? Hope it'll help you when traveling this month.
Ronnie says
Well, for a minute there I thought while I was fightingpolluters, you greenies ware being wined and dined by the auto industry. I was kicking myself for not joining your Sisterhood. Who knows, maybe you'll win a car as a door prize for being brave enough to go to Detroit in January?
I'm just starting to recover from the holiday daze. So except for some travel, I'm back to being chained to my computer, and decided to discover a few of the Eco-Warrior blogs. Reading backwards...
Ronnie says
So much for the editor 🙁 Hey, it's Saturday. That would be FIGHTING POLLUTERS!
ecokaren says
We will be "wined and dined" from 7AM until 9PM, touring factories and listening to a panel of green auto industry geeks. Can't get any more glamourous than that. We SHOULD get some kind of an award for visiting Detroit in Jan, right?
Well, glad you 'discovered' ecokaren during your reading journey. Come back more often. 🙂